Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (2024)

  • You can buy Mineral Water from the following NPCs:
  • Constante in Heidel 30

      NPCs Serendia Heidel Vendor Cooking Vendor Constante

    Cooking Vendor
    <Golden Toad Inn Owner>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (1) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (2)Heidel
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (3)Serendia
    • - Description: Manages the Golden Toad Inn owned by Bobby Lauren.

      Just a few months ago, the Golden Toad Inn was the most popular spot in Heidel, but the Xian Merchant Guild disrupted business a little. However, his optimistic character means he will not complain and he remains positive while awaiting an upturn in customers.

  • Fredelles Herba in Calpheon 30

      NPCs Calpheon Calpheon Vendor Cooking Vendor Fredelles Herba

    Cooking Vendor
    <Tavern Owner>
    Fredelles Herba

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (4) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (5)Calpheon
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (6)Calpheon
    • - Description: Of the two inns in Calpheon, his is the Herba Inn that attracts many adventurers. He is also known for being anti-Kalis.

      He set a tavern inside the inn because he likes talking to adventurers. With his help, his wife Lindsiyana manages trade on market street.

  • Nadia Rowen in Olvia 30

      NPCs Balenos Olvia Vendor Cooking Vendor Nadia Rowen

    Cooking Vendor
    <Olvia Cook>
    Nadia Rowen

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (7) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (8)Olvia
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (9)Balenos
    • - Description: The last surviving member of the fallen Rowen family of Heidel. She was a rootless wanderer until she went to Velia. She learned cooking from David Finto and now she lives in Olvia. She feels happy when people eat her food and respond with smiles of enjoyment.

  • David Finto in Velia 30

      NPCs Balenos Velia Chef David Finto

    <Lunar Halo Inn Cook>
    David Finto

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (10) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (11)Velia
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (12)Balenos
    • - Description: Though he has his own farm, he works as a cook at Islin's inn because he loves the trade so much. He never compromises taste for cost, and this often causes arguments.

      His wife Martina takes care of their farm with David having dropped almost everything else in his life for cooking, including his wife.

  • Vangelas in Heidel 30

      NPCs Serendia Heidel Vendor Cooking Vendor Vangelas

    Cooking Vendor
    <Valley Lily Inn Manager>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (13) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (14)Heidel
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (15)Serendia
    • - Description: Manager of the Valley Lily Inn in Heidel.
      He is also the trusted butler of the Lauren family.
      He still assists and advises Grace Lauren, addressing her as "Miss".

      He's been a single man his whole life, even now that his hair has turned gray.
      When asked if he's lonely, he answers that the Laurens are like family to him, and all he needs in life.

  • Deborah in Glish 30

      NPCs Serendia Glish Deborah

    <Glish Innkeeper>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (16) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (17)Glish
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (18)Serendia
    • - Description: The sister of the merchant named Larc. Just like her, she is from Mediah.
      She's a kind woman and really very pleasant to be around, but someone many assume is devoted to celibacy.

      She bought a humble inn in Glish and completely turned the place around, expanding it to offer quality lodging for adventurers.

  • Ivana DeRose in Keplan 30

    <Keplan Innkeeper>
    Ivana DeRose

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (19) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (20)Keplan
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (21)Calpheon
    • - Description: A Calpheonian woman and ardent Elionian.
      She recently moved to Keplan and opened an inn. She is having a hard time adapting to the rough personality of the people here. She originally came to spread the good news of Elion, but the people here have their ears closed to the truth.

  • Pasenia in Northern Wheat Plantation 30

      NPCs Calpheon Northern Wheat Plantation Pasenia

    <Northern Wheat Plantation Merchant>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (22) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (23)Northern Wheat Plantation
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (24)Calpheon
    • - Description: Pasenia has a bright personality, but her fixation on buying only Calpheon products is a bit much. So much so, that people tend to have a bad first impression of her. Calpheon Northern Wheat Plantation Vendor.

  • Broman in Altinova 30

      NPCs Mediah Altinova Cook Broman

    <Edman's Twin Brother>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (25) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (26)Altinova
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (27)Mediah
    • - Description: The twin brother of Edman, a cook in Altinova. He tends to copy his brother's mannerisms and ways of speaking. He started to cook because his brother started cooking. But unlike Edman, who cooks on the street because he likes to be close to his customers, he runs an indoor restaurant because he thinks formality is important. His dream is to own the best restaurant in Mediah with Edman.

  • Edman in Altinova 30

      NPCs Mediah Altinova Cook Edman

    <Altinova Cook>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (28) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (29)Altinova
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (30)Mediah
    • - Description: Despite his old age, this famous cook can't stand staying at home quietly all day. It is said his lengthy experience is the key to his superior skills. He is known to bring out the taste of any dish using simple ingredients. Above all, he thinks hygiene is most important.

  • Ekta in Tarif 30

      NPCs Mediah Tarif Innkeeper Ekta

    <Tarif Innkeeper>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (31) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (32)Tarif
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (33)Mediah
    • - Description: Ekta is the owner of Tarif Tavern. She used to travel the world as an adventurer, but after settling down in Tarif she joined Allan Serbin in summoning immense powers to protect the town. She barely managed to survive by transferring her life force into a picture frame.

  • Weikid Taha in Kusha 30

      NPCs Mediah Kusha Cook Weikid Taha

    <Kusha Cook>
    Weikid Taha

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (34) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (35)Kusha
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (36)Mediah
    • - Description: A man who values freedom above all else, he shunned employment until he entered his 40s, when he final decided to become a cook. He takes a keen interest in spider meat cuisine. He says the Stone Spider famous for its chewy meat is best when cooked at a table and eaten immediately. He always carries around cooking utensils, a hammer and nails.

  • Maopan in Duvencrune 30

      NPCs Drieghan Duvencrune Vendor Cooking Vendor Maopan

    Cooking Vendor
    <Duvencrune Food Vendor>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (37) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (38)Duvencrune
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (39)Drieghan
    • - Description: A renowned glutton. Despite having a reputation of being a great cook, Maopan considers eating more important than cooking or even selling food ingredients. Although never having set foot outside of Drieghan, Maopan has lately expressed a desire to go on an adventure to try the cuisines of other regions upon observing the many interesting things that mercenaries coming to the area eat.

  • Luansei in Grána 30

      NPCs Kamasylvia Grána Innkeeper Luansei

    <Grána Innkeeper>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (40) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (41)Grána
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (42)Kamasylvia
    • - Description: Luansei is the Innkeeper at Grána City.
      During the war with the Ahib, she went on the front lines to help the fighters organize food and lodging. She uses what she learned as a young priestess to expertly run her inn. She is not so bothered with worldly concerns such as making a profit; she became an innkeeper because she wanted to observe and care for the visitors of Grána City. She is not too happy that Kamasylvia is now open to outsiders.

  • Heidi in Grána 30

      NPCs Kamasylvia Grána Vendor Cooking Vendor Heidi

    Cooking Vendor
    <Grána Chef>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (43) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (44)Grána
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (45)Kamasylvia
    • - Description: A chef in Grána City.
      After wandering around all over the world, Heidi landed on a job as a head chef in Grána City after being acknowledged by the entire Kamasylvia as a great chef. She is very ambitious and passionate. Heidi says there is something special about the ingredients in Kamasylvia that goes beyond freshness.

  • Elena Kanin in O'draxxia 30

      NPCs O'dyllita O'draxxia Vendor Cooking Vendor Elena Kanin

    Cooking Vendor
    <Thornflower Tavern Owner>
    Elena Kanin

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (46) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (47)O'draxxia
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (48)O'dyllita
    • - Description: Elena Kanin, the owner of the Thornflower Tavern in the capital of O'draxxia, is deeply upset because her clown recently fled. The tavern's customers loved his funny singing and dancing skills, but, one day, he had run away. Elena was simply stumped on what could have driven him away. She had been so kind to him... Later, the guards set out on the chase, yet all she heard back was that they could not find to where he had fled. Elena is worried that he might have gone to Olun's Valley.

  • Lenia Aru in O'draxxia 30

      NPCs O'dyllita O'draxxia Vendor Cooking Vendor Lenia Aru

    Cooking Vendor
    Lenia Aru

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (49) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (50)O'draxxia
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (51)O'dyllita
    • - Description: Lenia Aru, chef of the Frostflower Tavern, is an Ahib who is as famous in O'draxxia as Kamasylvia's legendary chef Baermalo Hona.

      Lenia runs the Frostflower Tavern on behalf of Aualla, the owner who is on a brief vacation from O'dyllita, and focuses on developing traditional O'draxxia dishes with Delotia.

  • Nerasabi Alom in Valencia City 30

      NPCs Valencia Valencia City Innkeeper Nerasabi Alom

    <Valencia Innkeeper>
    Nerasabi Alom

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (52) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (53)Valencia City
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (54)Valencia
    • - Description: Owner of the Sabi Inn, the center of Valencian astrology.

      One might think the name of the inn, Sabi, was derived from the owner's name. In fact, it was the name of the owner's camel. Unfortunately the camel is not in this world anymore, but it was like a child to Nerasabi, who didn't have any children of her own.

  • Walagala in Valencia City 30

      NPCs Valencia Valencia City Cook Walagala

    <Valencia Inn Cook>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (55) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (56)Valencia City
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (57)Valencia
    • - Description: Walagala is a cook at Sabi Inn. Her unique name was given to her by a fortuneteller. This fortuneteller introduced Walagala to Nerasabi, and Nerasabi found Walagala a job at the inn. This eventually led Walagala to take on her current occupation.

  • Roroju in Arehaza Town 30

      NPCs Valencia Arehaza Town Cook Roroju

    <Arehaza Cook>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (58) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (59)Arehaza Town
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (60)Valencia
    • - Description: Roroju is a cook in Arehaza. His joy is to cook rich-flavored food. Most of his specialties go really well as sides for drinks, as that's how he was brought up in Arehaza, a town where everyone is happily drunk.

  • Berhie in Sand Grain Bazaar 30

      NPCs Valencia Sand Grain Bazaar Cook Berhie

    <Sand Grain Bazaar Cook>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (61) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (62)Sand Grain Bazaar
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (63)Valencia
    • - Description: A cook with a deep interest in ingredients. He's into Desert Crab found in Mediahn coast. Whenever he sees an adventurer coming from Mediah, he never forgets to ask if he can get some Desert Crabs.

  • Haeran in Oquilla's Eye 30

      NPCs Margoria Oquilla's Eye Haeran

    <Ratt Delegation>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (64) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (65)Oquilla's Eye
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (66)Margoria
    • - Description: Anyone who visits Port Ratt can never forget Haeran.

      She's beautiful and kind, and her affectionate personality really eases people's minds. She's the fourth-generation owner of the family inn. The family inn means the world to her, and she provides the best service, accordingly.

  • Nasrin in Ibellab Oasis 30

      NPCs Valencia Ibellab Oasis Cook Nasrin

    <Ibellab Oasis Cook>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (67) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (68)Ibellab Oasis
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (69)Valencia
    • - Description: Though she's the only cook at Ibellab Oasis, she's not so good at cooking, because she loves experimenting with weird ingredients. She's infamous for forcibly feeding passerby to try her food. There's a very small chance that she'll cook a masterpiece, which makes her restaurant a popular explorer spot. After eating her food, an epicurean once said it was like winning a lottery.

  • Paola Toscani in Toscani Farm 30

      NPCs Balenos Toscani Farm Paola Toscani

    <Concerned Old Lady>
    Paola Toscani

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (70) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (71)Toscani Farm
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (72)Balenos
    • - Description: As its mistress, Paola always worries about the state of Toscani Farm.

      It is said that she is looking for an excellent adventurer to deal with the Boars that have been pushed toward the farm by tree monsters. She makes sure to ask adventurers who have been to the Western Guard Camp about her son, Constant.

  • Izella in Florin 30

      NPCs Calpheon Florin Innkeeper Izella

    <Florin Innkeeper>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (73) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (74)Florin
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (75)Calpheon
    • - Description: Izella, innkeeper at the Oak Inn in Florin, loves cooking.

      She often diverges from the menu to offer adventurers fresh and delicious meals. Her specialties are fried eggs with herb seasoning and healthy-tasting organic parsley ade.

      There are said to be many returning customers among adventurer types.

  • Hannes in Moretti Plantation 30

      NPCs Serendia Moretti Plantation Hannes

    <Sociable Farm Worker>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (76) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (77)Moretti Plantation
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (78)Serendia
    • - Description: A strong, diligent man who has been living in the grain belt for 5 years now.
      Only the constant monster raids on the farm and crops could cause a man such as this strain.

      He tried to leave the Moretti Farm after becoming fed up with the lack of support from the soldiers of the Eastern Gateway, but Mercianne persuaded him to stay.
      He has no expectations whatsoever from those soldiers though and would rather put his trust in a passing mercenary.

  • Fatoos in Costa Farm 30

      NPCs Serendia Costa Farm Fatoos

    <Incompetent Farm Owner>

    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (79) Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (80)Costa Farm
    Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (81)Serendia
    • - Description: His family has been operating a big farm in the south for generations.
      It is getting hard to manage the farm due to the wild animals and bugs everywhere.
      The well has been drying up lately, which adds another layer to his problems.

      The farm is always short-handed since his older brother died in the war,
      and people don't trust him to run things because they know he isn't nearly as skilled.
      Fatoos also knows this, and is very worried.

Miraculous Tteokguk - Item | Black Desert Online Database (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.